Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) has been a non-state Principal Recipient (PR) for the Global Fund HIV Grant, since 2012. The program is designed to address priority as captured in the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Framework (KNASF) 2041/15 – 2018/19 and now KNASF II, which seeks to contribute to attainment of Universal Health Coverage through comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment and care for all people in Kenya.
The main objective of the assignment is to document the achievements and success stories in print, photography, audio and video as told by the beneficiaries of the KRCS GF HIV program interventions and services. The outputs from the case studies shall highlight the achievements registered by the grant during the last three years. The outputs will be shared with various target groups that include stakeholders, current donors and potential donors to showcase the impact of the organization implementation in Kenya. The assignment is to demonstrate project success and impact.
Funder: Kenya Red Cross
Deadline: March 31, 2021