Analysis of the System(s) of Capacity Development and Funding for Policy Dialogue Engagement by Civil Society Organisations in Kenya

The analysis shall investigate the system around policy dialogue engagement of CSOs in Kenya with a focus on access to and provision of capacity development and funding/ resources for capacity development but also directly for CSO policy dialogue initiatives. The study is intended to look at capacities and funding needs of CSOs at different levels (grassroots, county, national) in Kenya with regard to policy dialogue engagement (incl. but not limited to target groups of the PD project) as well as relevant system stakeholders/ actors (service providers, research institutions, networks, umbrella organisations, donors, development partners and others) who are providing training, capacity development and funding to CSOs. While capacity development for policy makers is considered equally important for the conduct of policy dialogue, the given study is to be focused on the target group of CSOs. Given that the consortium project “CSOs and Policy Dialogue” focuses on enabling policy dialogue in the interest of marginalised populations and disadvantaged or vulnerable groups, the study shall pay foremost attention to CSOs supporting respective target groups.

Funder: Horizont3000


Deadline: April 11, 2021