
The College of Health Sciences COVID-19 Response Committee will hold the weekly online virtual research session on 11th August, 2020.

Dr. Walter Odhiambo from the School of Dental Sciences will make a presentation titled: The Efficacy of Virucidal oral gaggles in Reducing the SARS-Cov-2…

The College of Health Sciences COVID-19 Response Committee will hold the weekly online virtual research session on 4th August, 2020.

Dr. Sylvia Opanga from the School of Pharmacy will make a presentation titled: Potential paucity and price increases of essential medicines and personal…


Link to  UON-CHS COVID-19 research forum starting from 9am to 10am:


You are all invited to a webinar whereby Henk Harmsen, a PhD candidate at WMI will be presenting his research findings. Topic: Effective Patrolling of Protected Areas Date: Wednesday 22 July, 2020 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Venue: Google Meet Joining Link:

The College of Health Science of the University of Nairobi invite you for a #COVID19 Research Forum Webinar. The topic will be "Identifying the molecular-genetic factors driving disparities in Covid-19 presentation in…

The HORN Institute, a non-profit, applied research, and policy think-do tank based in Nairobi, and the University of Nairobi, Kenya's premier University are pleased to invite you to a webinar themed "Retreat to Nationalism in the 21st Century Globalization: Lessons for Africa from…

You are hereby invited to a webinar on "Understanding the Patterns and Impact of Built Structures in Urban Riparian Zones: A Case Study of the Upper Nairobi River  Drainage Basin,…

The Wangari Maathai Institute invites you all to an online Seminar on  "Assessment of Mangrove Restoration Projects along the Kenyan Coast". 

Date: Wednesday July 8, 2020


The University Library has planned for a VIRTUAL open week from 23rd to 25th June 2020 . 

The theme of the Open Week is “University of Nairobi Library Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge”. This occasion is geared towards promoting Library services so as to…

Join the conversation: “Financing Africa Through Sustainable Taxation”, today June 18th,  2020 at 7.30p.m. in the Nation Leadership Forum aired live on NTV.

Prof. Attiya Waris, Ag. Deputy Principal, CHSS and Director of Research…