Research Week 2020: 3rd Annual Conference on the Role of Literature in a Global World

October 12, 8:00 am

The Department of Literature,  University of Nairobi will hold the 3rd annual international conference on a wide scope of research and innovation undertaken recently at the University with the aim of bringing together global researchers to exchange ideas on various topics of interest.

Since the late 1990s, eastern Africa has encountered many socio-political and cultural changes that have radically reconfigured the nature, form, and trajectories of literatures of the region. For instance, the widespread uptake of social media technologies and cultures has engendered new ways of textual circulation and readerships; emerging youth culturesof the millennial generation have yielded a vibrant creative industry that relies on urban forms of verbal and a growing Afropolitan sensibility. Popular urban youth forms of expression, a growing film industry, stand-up comedies, and literary festivals have grown exponentially. At the same time, collaborative relations between literary figures within the region with their counterparts in other parts of Africa have inaugurated inter-regional dialogues that, while previously present, were only occasional.Read more