COVID-19 Education Project Grant

Funding to provide support for a medical education research project to assess the availability and effectiveness of current COVID-19 educational resources available to emergency physicians on the treatment of patients at high risk for complications with confirmed COVID-19.

The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) is a professional organisation for emergency medicine academicians based in the United States. SAEM was formed in 1989 from the amalgamation of the University Association for Emergency Medicine (UAEM) and the Society of Teachers of Emergency Medicine (STEM). SAEM provides various grants through the SAEM Foundation (SAEMF), a 501(c)(3) public charity which aims to improve emergency patient care through supporting the development of innovative researchers, expert educators and future academic emergency medicine leaders.

Funder:  Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation (SAEMF)


Deadline: November 1, 2021