Prof. Stephen Mutula Confirmed as a Panelist at the Research Week 2020

Prof. Stephen Mutula has been confirmed as a panelist at the Value of Information Governance, Leadership and Ethics in Higher Education Institutions Webinar of  the Research Week 2020. He is a full professor of Information Science. He holds degree qualifications in computer science, education and information sciences. Professor Mutula is currently the Dean and Head: School of Management, IT and Governance at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa).

He is an NRF rated researcher and has won several international scholarly excellence awards from Emerald publishing (UK), African Network of Information Ethics (ANIE)/Capurro Fiek Foundation Germany), University of Botswana, and University of KwaZulu-Natal (SA) among others.

He has an extensive publication record that include but is not limited to books such as: Digital Economies, SMEs and E-readiness (N. York: Business Science Reference); Web-based Information Management: A cross Disciplinary Approach. (Oxford. Chandos Publishing); Information and Knowledge Management in the Digital Age: Concepts, Technologies and African Perspectives (Ibadan. Third World Information Services Ltd): and Digital Solutions for contemporary democracy and e-government (Hershey PA: Information Science Reference). He currently has an h-index 30, i10 index of 83 and 3553 citations respectively. He serves on several international editorial advisory boards.

Prof Mutula research interests are in the areas of ICT4D, information poverty, information ethics, e-government, and social media. Prof Mutula has served previously as Dean and Head: School of Social Sciences and acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, College of Humanities (UKZN). Prof Mutula has academic and research experience spanning 33 years. During this period, he has supervised to completion 45 PhD theses and 15 masters dissertations.

He serves as external examiner in 19 national, regional and international universities. He has to date examined 55 PhD theses and 15 Masters dissertations. He has been honoured among the top researchers in UKZN for 2014 and 2019 respectively. He has also been honoured as the top academic in graduating PhD students in the college of Humanities in 2018 and 2019 respectively.
