15th - 17th  November 2023.  University of Lagos, Nigeria

THEME: Reimaging the future of Higher Education in Africa

Prof Margaret J. Hutchinson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation And  Enterprise (RIE) attending the 2023 ARUA Biennial Conference together with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, and the Vice Chancellor University of Ghana.

The 2023 ARUA Biennial Conference will bring together experts from universities, research institutions, government, industry, civil society, international organizations, etc., to discuss the potential pathways of reimagining the future of HEIs on the African Continent in the coming decades.

This year’s conference was hosted as a hybrid event with physical and online participation. The conference structure  included:

1. Five keynote addresses

2. Four plenary sessions

3. Four parallel sessions with 3rd party worshops/side Events

4. A policy round table discussion

Key Note Speakers