University of Tennessee Visit to University of Nairobi - June

A team from Tennessee University from the USA will be visiting the University of Nairobi from 22 - 23 June 2023 to sign a collaboration agreement.

During that time they will visit Wangari Maathai Institute and department of Nursing Sciences too.

Attending delegation from University of Tennessee includes:

Dr. Gretchen Neisler, Vice Provost of International Affairs      

Prof. Brad Day, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Innovation Initiatives

Prof. Lars Dzikus, Associate Professor and Interim Department Head, Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies.                                                                                                                                                  Prof. Hannah Herrero, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Sustainability

Dr. Sarah J. Hillyer, Director and Clinical Assistant Professor, Center for Sport, Peace, & Society

Dr. Jamie McGowan, Director, Global Research Office

Ms. Sally Morris, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Administration

Prof. Dawnie Wolf Steadman, Professor and Director of Forensic Anthropology.

Attached is the Bio of the Visitors.