Research Week 2020: 3rd Annual Advancing Science for Sustainable Development Conference

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are major drivers of Socio-economic development. New ways of doing things effectively and concerted efforts, including multi-disciplinary approaches are necessary for the realisation of transformational impacts in society. Scholars have to play their role by articulating new ideas, information and how these can translate good socio-economic practices and services.

Research Week 2020: 2nd Annual International Conference on Open, Distance and e-Learning

Rapid advances in information and communications technology in the digital age have brought about a paradigm shift in the practice of Open Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) worldwide. In order to accommodate this rapid changes, Universities and other institution of higher learning are continually reviewing and realign their teaching and learning philosophy, delivery methodologies, pedagogies, and e-learning technologies and platforms in order to accommodate this paradigm shift.