Impact of COVID-19 on Travel and Tourism Industry in Kenya

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the whole world by storm bringing it to a virtual standstill. One of the economic sectors most hard hit is the travel and tourism industry. That is hardly surprising given that a record 1.5 billion tourists traveled internationally in 2019. The outbreak of the disease and its rapid spread across the globe saw heightened uncertainty in the sector as travelers required up-to-date and reliable information before deciding on their next destinations and itineraries.


The global lockdown of Education Institutions has caused major interruption in students’ learning and distruptions in internal assessment. 

Join a panel of experts on Impact of COVID-19 on Education, today May 21st, 2020 at 7.30p.m. in the Nation Leadership Forum aired live on NTV.

Amongst the panelist is our Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama.