The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and its Role as an Agent of Social Change

COVID -19, a trending issue of global concern, has turned people’s lives upside down occasioning a huge amount of change in the world today. COVID -19 has fundamentally altered certain aspects of everyday life across the globe. In other words, COVID -19 has in one way or another occasioned changes in the way we do things, it has occasioned culture change.

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) From an Emerging and Rapidly Evolving to a Trending Issue

By Dr Jefwa G. Mweri


COVID-19 is an international current, emerging and rapidly evolving issue. Current affairs basically revolve around happenings in different fields such as the economy, sports, science and technology, medicine, environment, etc. and they operate at both national and international levels. COVID -19, as a current affair, is the most important of the day-to-day incidents and events around us.

COVID-19: Was it Wise to Open the Kenyan Economy?

By FA Joab O. Odhiambo

While the medical experts and financial analysts/actuaries have always disagreed publicly on whether it was prudent for Kenya to open its economy, especially with the rising number of COVID-19 pandemic cases, as a certified financial analyst and actuary, I would confidently say that it was an excellent idea despite disagreement from many medics.

Implications of Cancelled KCSE 2020 Exams on the Financial Viability of Public Universities

By Prof. Madara Ogot

Universities and other education institutions in Kenya were order closed by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta on March 15th, 2020, with a closure deadline of March 20th. This was in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the confirmation of the first case in Kenya on March 13, 2020.